Speak Your Truth and Lead

«Speak Your Truth and Lead: Empowering Women to become Compassionate Leaders»

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This book was inspired by the graceful Minoan ladies who lived on the island of Crete almost 4,000 years ago and were respected and cherished for their wisdom and divinity by one of the most advanced civilizations on Earth. The book encourages present-day women to thrive in their careers, to play a dynamic role as leaders in their chosen paths and to make a significant contribution towards ecological decision-making. It stimulates them to re-learn and re-member what it is like to lead a balanced, fulfilling life and demonstrates how to use the HEART-led™ model, a fresh, new blueprint for Compassionate, Servant Leadership. The way is lit up by the rays of Mindfulness, Self-Compassion and Resonant, Loving Presence. Short tales, anecdotes, slogans and a rich collection of exercises and daily practices open the field of infinite possibilities and guide the female reader on a beautiful self-exploration journey of both their masculine and feminine energies. The journey’s destination is for her to uncover her hidden treasures and, whether through her compassionate gaze, her warm smile or her resonating voice, she will at last speak her truth and lead!

ISBN: 978-618-00-1314-6      #truth #women #empower #guidewomen #speakout #leadership #selfcare #compassion

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